At Corbin Health Coaching, our goal is to help you reach your health and wellness goals. We offer a variety of services including a FREE discovery call, 90-minute wellness intensive, 3 AND 6-month wellness plans, and group well-being workshops. With our expertise, we will help you discover the best path for achieving your goals, so you can experience your best health and well-being.
What Are Examples of Health Goals?
We like to work off the Duke model, Wheel of Health. There are 6 core components including physical environment, nutrition, mental and emotional well-being, fulfillment and purpose, physical activity, and rest/sleep. These 6 components are built off the foundations of mindful awareness and community. While finding balance among these areas of health is ideal, typically satisfaction within these areas will naturally ebb and flow throughout life. Clients will usually create a health goal around an area they find to be the most challenging at the moment.
What Are Appropriate Topics for Health Coaching?
Each coaching relationship is unique. The coach and the client form a partnership to better equip you to realize your optimal health vision based on your own goals and values. Any concern that gets in the way of taking care of your optimal health is the perfect subject with which to begin coaching. Therefore, any topic you want to bring up that you think will contribute to your optimal health is an appropriate topic for Health & Well-Being Coaching.
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